Sunday, August 11, 2013

Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu had his Twitter account briefly suspended

Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu had his Twitter account briefly suspended for "aggressively following" other users, just hours after it was launched.

The ex-archbishop's @TutuLegacy account racked up hundreds of followers in its first hours of use, before being black listed on Thursday.
"Twitter says it's 'sorry for the inconvenience' over our suspension. We got caught up in a spam clean up. Glad it wasn't something we said," Tutu tweeted soon after he was unblocked.
His foundation had earlier expressed dismay at the decision.
"Twitter has not explained how following 30 people could be construed as 'aggressive following'," his foundation said in a statement.
The foundation suggested "the number of people who followed @TutuLegacy in a short space of time," may have also been to blame

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