Monday, August 12, 2013

Marikana shooting: South African union leader killed

A female union official has been shot dead at South Africa's Marikana mine, where 34 striking miners were killed by police a year ago, her colleagues say.
The shop steward from the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) was killed on Monday morning.
The NUM described the death as "cold-blooded murder," and said it was "outraged".
Tension between rival unions at the Lonmin-owned platinum mine has led to several shootings over the past year.
It is not clear whether Monday's killing is connected to the conflict between the NUM and the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union, which was formed last year.
The NUM said it was "disappointed" at the lack of progress in arresting suspects for what it termed the "assassinations" in Marikana.
A spokesperson for Lonmin, Sue Vey, told Reuters that the South African police were investigating the death.
The shootings of 16 August 2012 were the most deadly police action in South Africa since the end of apartheid.

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