Monday, August 19, 2013

Gentlemen Prefer Breasts

I read a delightful article on WritersViews, about what men prefer more on a woman: nice butt or curvy body. I had the, almost, uncontrollable urge to add my opinion to the debate and possibly take it to a completely different angle.
I find nothing on earth as beautiful and sexy as women's breasts. Is there anything more perfect? Is there anything that has quite the same affect on us men? Is there anything you can stare at all day, that can increase your life span?
Medical research (who am I to argue with medical people) conducted in Germany (the country that gives us Porche and Mercedes Benz) was published in New England Journal and it was concluded that staring at a woman's breasts for 10 minutes a day would increase the life of a man by 5 years.
The same study suggests that men who stare at women's breasts have lower blood pressure (yes without even spending 1 minute on the treadmill in a sweaty gym), suffer less cardiovascular disease, have lower heart beats (which I guess it's good), and enjoy regular sex with their partner. Ok, I made up the last one myself. That one is not scientifically proven. But I would bet in a Las Vegas casino that it is indeed true.
My sincere and humble request to all women: Please let your man (and other men if you want) stare at your beautiful breasts for at least 10 minutes a day. You are performing an act of kindness. You are bringing joy to the world. You are making the world a happier and a better place. Can you imagine how many wars would be avoided? How many angry men who are stressed and have violent tendencies will be calmer, more relaxed, and happy and smiling?
Since medical science has proven, without a shadow of a doubt, (at least for me), that sexual desire leads to better blood circulation which results in improvement of health, I think women owe it to humanity to do the kind thing.
According to Dr. Kathy Weatherby, a gerontologist (I have no idea what kind of doctor this is) and author of the study, recommends that men staring at a woman's breasts is a healthy practice and is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics exercise in the gym.
Perfect breastsFor men looking at breasts simply stirs their senses and makes them feel good. How can you deny a man that pleasure?
I am not suggesting that men should stare at women in a rude way. In fact, I believe if men were respectful and not cocky and without being aggressive, women would let us stare and not object to our little pleasures.
I ask all men, please do not be disrespectful and make sure you do not make women feel uncomfortable.
Hey, if they don't feel threatened and actully feel tantalized, they may let your stare for longer periods and more regularly, like everyday.
Also, they may even give you a treat. So be nice to the lady that is showing you her breasts or her cleavage. She deserves, at least, as much kindness as she is offering you.
The truth about men and breasts are actually simple, and may I add, funny.
Many women in United States (especially California - but other states too) are a little insecure about their breast and are somewhat concerned about their breast size and shape. That is why they resort to augmentation surgeries. Believe me, Men hardly see it as a means of size and shape. They see it more like enticement.
To men it is about the obsession we have about breasts since for us, from our teenage days, we have had an obsession with women's breasts. While it is a source of sexual fantasy and frankly fetish that we have but it is actually more about desire that makes us feel like men.
Psychologists might try to make this some neurotic connection of god know what but it is simply our fascination with a woman's body and serves as a basis of our general attraction to a woman's physical attributes.
Now granted that for some men, it is a serious fetish or an extreme obsession and they can get sexually inspired by looking at pictures with cleavage even in lingerie catalogs and women's magazines.
But for most men it is not complicated. We love looking at a woman's breasts. And, if we are barely seeing the breasts it makes it even more enticing. The less visible (or hidden) it is the more for us, the added excitement of - using our imagination to fill in the blanks.
Regarding the argument whether men prefer breasts or butts? I think gentlemen prefer breasts. But that is my opinion.
And as for women who think men looking at breasts as enjoyment are immature, rude, and insensitive - I think they are wrong. We just like nice breasts. Don't make a big deal out of it. It is just sexual desire. It's not a bad thing or representation of a bad person.
Sexy breastsThink of it as not so much our obsession but more like our appreciation of a woman's body. Let us enjoy something so basic as long as it does not hurt anybody in a serious way.
Now I understand that there are those who believe that men are to be blamed for women wanting a particular size and shape of breasts and for which they undertake augmentation surgeries. But I disagree, respectfully.
I think you would have to ask those women who get breast implants and augmentation surgeries. They do it because they believe it pleases men and they want to please and attract men. To them, I would say, god bless you.
Sexy Breasts on a sexy womanAs to those who suggest that as babies, when boys were breast-fed they accumulated a deep appreciation for a woman's breasts due to memory and instincts reminding them of that child-mother relationship - I would have to say, I don't know. May be it is or may be it is not, who knows and who can ever prove it.
May be we look at breasts because it has a sense of novelty for us. May be we are wondering why we have flat breasts and women have beautiful rounded and enticing breasts.
If a man looks at your breasts and you feel that they are not hearing what you are saying because they are too busy looking at your breasts, then may be it is too much. But if you are talking during a conversation and they are not listening and they appear as if they have no clue what language you are speaking then it would rude. Otherwise love the fact that a man loves appreciating your beautiful body or parts of it.
Staring at a woman's breasts is a major source of sexual arousal because it makes men feel good and relaxed and excited and about to get a treat.
Here's a fact: men are attracted to breasts and think of them as objects of sexual arousal and play and wish to nibble on them.
Here's what a few of my friends have said about women's breasts:
Sexiness"I really like women's breasts. They are nice to look at and it's like taking a break from work or from other stuff I have to do."
"Truth be told, I do stare at breasts when they stand out and are large and are kind of in front of me to stare at. If they are even moderately large I find it difficult to avoid noticing them. It don't mean to stare in a bad way, but I do stare I admit."
"I don't think I stare but I do notice a woman's peaches if it's really nice and she stands out from the crowd."
"I love dreaming about doing the 'motorboat' with a girls breasts when I see a girl with a nice pair at the gym, in a party, at a club or somewhere like that. When a girl is near me and my mind is wondering and imagining the 'motorboat', I feel great. I guess it is an obsession of achievement."
"If the breast are somewhat exposed or the cleavage is revealing then I just can't avoid seeing it. Who doesn't like to look at nice 'coconuts'."
"If I am at a bar and there is a lady there standing or sitting and talking to her friends or her husband/boyfriend and her breasts are catching my attention then I look. I try to make sure that if I can, she does not notice me staring. "
All women are sexy"I do stare at women's breasts and I think I do it too much. It relaxes me though and turns me on and I feel good the rest of the day. It's almost like meditation."
"Makes me feel excited and it is sexy. It's a turn on if they are round and large. "
"Magazines and newspapers and movies and generally all the media around us exploit men for advertising by showing them a stunning pair of boobs. Because we like it. Sometimes at work or in a restaurant I may stare and I honestly feel it is not with ill intent and I just enjoy looking at beautifully shaped boobs."
Men love everything about a woman - we just don't want you to know it"Many times I am in a club and after half a dozen shots, which I think makes me so much more charming and attractive to women, I notice a hot girl and her beautiful tits which I can swear are talking to me and tell me that I am the object of the desire and therefore I decide to walk over with my game face and throw her those one-liners I have heard of from friends who promised that they would work, and I lay it on her. From then on, I really can't hear anything she is saying and all I can think of - sadly - are her nicely shaped breasts pointing right at me. Before too long she thinks I have few screws loose and quickly disappears. But for the rest of the night I dream and fantasize about her lovely jugs. I don't think this makes me a bad person, other than being a man who can't handle his drinks and may be that I am fascinated with women's breasts so much that I can't plan one step ahead of myself. But, I love 'em. Breasts I mean. I can swim in 'em until my fingers are all pruny."
Sexy"I stare at women's breasts because a girl once told me that she hates men that look straight at her and some research studies show that women are twice as likely to contact men on dating sites that have a picture with their face pointing to the sides, rather than directly ahead. So I figure women like me not to stare into their eyes. That's why I stare at their breasts. At least that is my excuse. No, it have never worked for me. Since women don't generally find me attractive just by looking at me across the room."
"I think woman's breasts are incredible and god created them to make us men happy. I love staring at them but I try very hard not to offend anyone. When I do stare at them, and if the girl notices that I am staring, I quickly turn away and she will know that I am not trying to be offensive. Right about then, she actully enjoys it and is proud that she carries the objects of men's desire."

How to Manage Your Sexual Drive

James 5:16
God gave you this sexual drive and He made you in His own image. So why do so many people and the even church shy away from sexual matters? Sometimes they don’t even talk about it, they even cover it up. No one can manage your sexuality better than your father in heaven who gave it to you. Your sexuality can be managed for better results if you listen to God’s guidance.
John 8: 10-12.  To manage your sexuality, you have to talk to someone. This person must be God fearing and trusted. This because your sexual drive is very strong and it can override you at any time.  So don’t be ashamed talk to somebody today and God will help you in Jesus name.
 Sin thrives in secrecy, so come out and talk to your pastor or counsellor about your sexual sin. Confess yourself to one another because this is when you will be free and healed from your sexual sins. This sexual sin kills your spiritual life and it brings low self-esteem. You will start feeling guilty like Adam and Eve in Genesis 3, where they were hiding from God. The challenge sometimes is after you confess your sins; Satan keeps attacking you with the feeling of guilt. There are those who have no conscience and engage in sexual sin because their conscience has been seared. This is because they are in the habit of doing things that are sexually immoral and they have made up their mind not to change. For all those that are born again and Spirit filled they battle with shame, so they hide to commit sexual immorality. So as believers we shy away from the truth and sexual talks.
Satan also uses propaganda tool, to destroy our self-esteem and creates fear in us. He speaks to us and puts guilt in us. Romans 8:1 says; ‘THERE IS therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit’.  Access your life through God’s word and not your guilt and your past. We were all born sinners, so when you are in Christ Jesus all things are passed away. A young woman got married and after 10 years she did not have any child, satan began to remind her of her past. That she had aborted so many times and had lived a rough life in the past that is why she is suffering now in marriage without a child. On the other hand anther young woman got married and she had a clean past but she had no children too after 5 years of marriage. I have heard stories of ladies that live wayward lives and God still forgives them. God blesses their family and gives them children. Wake up, stand up, if Satan tells you about your past, you also remind him about his past. Remind him about how Jesus Christ defeated him on the cross, remind him that Jesus Christ defeated death and rose on the third day.
It may be fornication, masturbation, lesbianism, homosexuality, voyeurism (Voyeurism is the sexual interest in or practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other actions usually considered to be of a private nature) and pornography e.t.c. You may have a past Satan has a past too, Jesus Christ finished him on the cross. God is not out to run you down, He is out to make you a better person. 
1 John 1:7-9. If we say we have no sexual sin, we deceive ourselves. The reason nobody is talking about sexual sin is because the church is full of hypocrites. The people who brought the adulterous woman before Jesus Christ were also sinners. They had their own sin, and yet they tried to stone another person.
The church today is filled of hypocrites, may God have mercy on us all. Amen
Action Points
ü You must accept you have made a mistake
ü You must ask God to forgive you
ü You must forgive yourself and pray that God should destroy self condemnation by the Holy Ghost Fire.
ü Talk to someone about it to finally kill that guilt. James 5:16
ü Stop the practice of anything that will make your feel guilty and pray to God for the grace to live a holy life.

A Woman Caught in Adultery 

John 8:1-11 (New Living Translation)

Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives, but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them. As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd.
“Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”
They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.
When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”
11 “No, Lord,” she said.
And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

God bless you and do have a blessed day.

Follow me on Twitter @davidpraise2009 and on facebook as Jaiyeola Mehifu   

Friday, August 16, 2013

What Your Company Logo Says About Your Brand (Infographic)

A truly great company logo becomes synonymous with its identity. Think about the McDonald’s golden arches, Apple’s apple, Coca-Cola’s cursive typeface, Nike’s swoosh and all the other iconic brand images that you remember.
But what does a logo say about your company?
For Yahoo, changing its longtime logo (its asymmetrical “Y” with a leaning exclamation point) is a way to signify a new way forward.
This marks the first time in 18 years that Yahoo will overhaul its logo. It’s part of the company’s "30 days of change" marketing campaign, during which it will display one potential logo option on its various sites each day for the next 30 days before the final version is revealed Sept. 5

Richard Branson on Being Social Media Savvy

Entrepreneur Richard Branson regularly shares his business experience and advice with readers. Ask him a question and your query might be the inspiration for a future column.

Do you have a social media presence? The benefits are immense, yet a study conducted by IBM found that social media is currently the least used of all customer engagement methods -- many CEOs are unsure even where to start. Whether you're launching a startup or expanding an established business, if you're an entrepreneur and you don't have a social media presence, your company is at a competitive disadvantage.
I've built a strong online presence over the last few years and am always thinking of new ways to expand our reach. I think this is partly because I was already comfortable with the basic concepts: after all, my first successful business was in the media. When I was 16 years old, my friends and I started up Student Magazine. Although I didn't give myself the title of publisher, that's what my job was, in retrospect.
We launched our monthly publication hoping to provide young people with a platform to protest the injustice of the Vietnam War. It soon became a place where up-and-coming talents showcased their work, and we also published impassioned thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre, inspired writers like James Baldwin and imaginative artists like David Hockney. The magazine was an exciting forum that allowed people to creatively express their views and try to initiate change. We didn't know it back then, but it was the foundation upon which the Virgin Group would be built.

A few decades (who's counting?!) later, I'm back in publishing, though now through my blog and other social media channels.
Businesses that are looking for an edge still need to concentrate on getting their stories onto the local newspapers' front pages. There is always a lot to be gained when the press gets interested in brilliant initiatives going on at your company. But one thing I learned over the years was that our companies were not going to be the focus of media attention every day, so I needed other ways to get some messages across and keep my customers engaged.
Today entrepreneurs need to take their businesses to where the conversation is happening -- mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Social media is the perfect venue, and my guess is that one of the reasons for the tepid response from most companies is a lack of understanding of how to use these channels properly.
Here are a few guidelines that will make your posts and your company stand out:

1. Provide high quality content.
While my friends and I had a lot of fun running Student Magazine, we also had a meaningful message. These days, as well as sharing what is going on in my life and exchanging messages with all sorts of interesting people, I use social media to highlight issues that affect us all. A blog post can kick-start a debate and make an impact in the real world.
2. Social media isn't just a one-way street.
I always try to make time to reply to people (including by answering readers' questions in these columns). Many good ideas for future blogs are sparked by reading the comments online and the conversations they spark. If you're expecting people to be intrigued by what you and your business have to say, you have to genuinely be interested in their feedback.
3. Tell a few jokes.
As always: Don't take yourself too seriously. You have a lot of opportunities to make people smile via social media. When we started Student we were young and definitely just as focused on having a good time as on getting an issue out by deadline. For us there was no difference between work and play - and there still isn't today. Among my posts and tweets you'll find lots of funny tales, cheeky questions and the odd photo of me making a fool of myself.
4. Give them the genuine article.
Try to make sure your posts and tweets provide a true reflection of yourself, and not just your professional persona. Whether on social media, on a plane or in the office, you (and your business) are far more likely to make an impression if you let your real personality shine through.
Once you get started, you'll soon learn that by embracing social media you can keep in touch with and inform your customers to a greater degree than ever before, and through that exchange, broaden your understanding of your business's horizons. So tweet hello and then publish a post introducing yourself and your company, because it's time to get the conversation started.

The Premier League champions are "working very hard" to make signings before the start of the season, says the Scot, who was impressed by the striker's performance for England

Moyes also indicated that United - who have missed out on signing Cesc Fabregas from Barcelona - are "working hard" to sign players before the season starts.

"I'm confident we'll have players in before the start of the season, yes," he continued. "We're involved in several players we are looking at and that will continue.

"Will we get them before the deadline? I hope so. But we're working very hard to do so."

Tecno's Phantom Pad N9 A Combination of Phone & Pad | 1GHz CPU, Android 4.2 OS

Tecno has come up with the sequel to one of their most successful smartphone, the Phantom Pad N9. Tecno Phantom Pad has a brilliant display, a fast processor and an impressive camera.
Phantom Pad N9 is the first smartphone of Tecno with Android 4.2 (Jellybean) and has a really impressive capacitive touch screen of 8.0 inches with an image quality. It has equipped with 8 megapixels it is able to record videos in high quality and for video calls it uses 2.0MP camera on front. The camera is also equipped with an LED flash, so you can use it in the dark.
Phantom Pad N9
Tecno Phanton Pad N9 has a super fast 1.2 GHz quad-core Processor, 1-gigabyte working memory (RAM) and 16GB of storage (expandable with Micro SD cards). It's the time of writing the world's thinnest smartphone, Tecno has crammed a lot of software in it, such as Gmail, Facebook Google Map etc.
In addition for connectivity the Phantom Pad N9 include Bluetooth 3.0, 2G, 3G, Wi-fi, Wi-fi hotspot and GPS.
The Tecno Phantom Pad N9 is available soon at online stores in Nigeria. You can get this tab ‘between’ 35 - 40k in Naira according to my source. It is not yet available; you can get this tab by pre-order at DivineAnyi Communications Ltd, Computer village Ikeja, Lagos.

Do you know that more than 80% of Nigerian suffer from Anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder is an umbrella term that covers several different forms of a type of common psychiatric disorder, characterized by excessive rumination, worrying, uneasiness, apprehension and fear about future uncertainties either based on real or imagined events, which may affect both physical and psychological health. There are numerous psychiatric and medical syndromes which may mimic the symptoms of an anxiety disorder such as hyperthyroidism which may be misdiagnosed as generalized anxiety disorder.

The most important clinical point to emerge from studies of social anxiety disorder is the benefit of early diagnosis and treatment. Social anxiety disorder remains under-recognized in primary care practice, with patients often presenting for treatment only after the onset of complications such as clinical depression or substance abuse disorders.
Treatment options available include lifestyle changes; psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy; and pharmaceutical therapy.